
HUSKISSON4BREKKY- Illawarra Riders

There were about thirty of us at the meeting point. Some of the ladies even rode along in cars and brought the dogs. The new Duke was amongst us.. until it started to sprinkle in Berry. That's when we lost a few, as they turned back towards bluer skyes. I did not realise that new Ducks are no longer made to be water resistant.

The Highway traffic was moving at a fine pace until, shortly before the turnoff to Huskisson, we encountered an increasing amount of vehicles flashing their lights at us.

The traffic came to a halt and I got a glimpse of a couple of tall, chestnut coloured horses swiftly disappearing into the woods and I was worried that we'd see an injured one lying by the roadside. Thank goodness we were spared that experience and all was ok. The riders had simply lost control of their animals and they did what came naturally: They just took off to find shelter. Good Luck with the chase!

We found shelter at the Promenade Cafe.

The smokers even had their own...

Eggs Benedict took my fancy, but even though I did get to order pretty much before the big rush, it turned out quite plain and disappointing. Meat eaters seemed to get a slightly better deal, by an additional slice of ham with each egg. The captain's brekky had the lot and made the grade... most got what they were looking forward to.

The drizzle started to set in and when one of the boys spoke to his wife on his mobile, who was sitting out in the sun in their backyard in Albion Park, I decided to head back with a small group of early leavers. Bulli Boy and I took off due north and once he'd turned off to drop off his mate, I was on my own again.

Thirroul after the accident will never be the same again. The spot where my bike came to grief seems haunted with its memory.

As I passed through, I encountered within a 100m stretch a car doing a U-turn right in front of me and another pulling out from a side street, narrowly avoiding my oncoming traffic and heading straight into my path, with his passenger panicking, arms up in front of her, sheltering herself from the possible impact. It was nice to have new brakes and a bit of accellaration at my fingertips to get me out of those tight corners.

Thirroul waves the red flag for me from here on in...



GRO- Kangaroo Valley ride report

Baby's back!

It'd been almost three months since I had participated in a GRO run. This one met at Loftus, but I decided that the Nasho wasn't for me on such a windy day and my bed was far too cosy to get out of in time to make the meet. The next stop was Bald Hill... I could cope with that.

There must have been about 200 bikes up there, double and triple parked, but GRO took a while longer than I had expected.

Some ANONers on a DIY ride met up there. Mark had an interesting tank bracket for his camera to play with and Tamsin overtook me later on the Pass and I thought I stood still. Brilliantly smooth!

Petrol was an issue for me, as I wondered if I'll make the ride down to Albion Park, so I decided to take myself off to the 'burgh to fill up. By the time I returned to the Hill, the group was taking off.

It was good to see Bronny on her new red terror. She looked so much more comfy and better suited to the new bike.

Albion Park was a quick stop for me, as I decided to take off on my own to conquer the Pass. Once up at the PieShop, I felt right at home again. Bulli Boy, Max and Tezza where there, making their way straight across the carpark to check out my bike, which seemed to meet their approval.

As I made my way into the Pie Shop, I saw my 'Photo of the Month' smack bang in the middle of The IllawarraRiders noticeboard. I got Tezza to take a picture of me in front of it (which will remain a private item). But here's the one I took... hmmmm... made me proud!

Max also made his way to Kangaroo Valley, but a little faster than most. His bike has a particular sound, which I have started to recognise. The guy who had bought his ex R6 was in our group too. Max told me that he had sold this bike to the bike shop where he bought his R1 and we all thought that the $8000 he'd got for it was a pretty good deal. When we heard how much they sold it for, we were amazed... $12000!!! A cool $4000 profit!! On that bike...I wonder how much they made on the new one...

The Tempura Fish was just a little dry, but the unusual taste of 'caper berries' had my full attention. Loved it!

The GRO gang felt a little distant today and I decided to take myself off home via Nowra. I had good fun taking on the descent all by myself. Here is a photo I took along the way...Spot on!

Bomaderry/Nowra has this little Bus shelter, which doesn't have any graffity on it, but features a heart for its design...
Heart filled shelter; an ideal background for my ZX6R.

Making my way back home I decided to have a stopover at Skipp's and Joey's to catch up and see how Skipp's broken foot is going. Guess who was there...Max of cause! Seems like we were chasing each other all day! Very funny!

Here are some more pictures for you:


GRO- Kangaroo Valley ride

Girls Ride Out ride to Kangaroo Valley
Meet Sunday, 5th August
Loftus Oval



The bike is back!

It looks soooo beautiful, I couldn't take my eyes off it.

I can't wait to take a picture for you.

Bron polished the exhaust up and it looks almost new. The paintjob and the bling-up, the newly polished rims and the tidy rear view makes for a very nice little package of eye-candy. The only problem is that I don't want to take it out of the garage in case it rains.

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