Wow, what a ride THAT was! Nice meeting Jen and her man! Felt a bit lost at the Southern Cross Custom Bike Shop, but got my own back in traffic! Did not see any sportbikes taking unscheduled time out...did you?lol It was nice not to have to get into that usual us and them hackle, so I wont elaborate.Neat meeting out at Homebush, but unfortunately my camera ran out of memory...thought I had packed a these first three pictures are courtesy of Brett...THANK YOU!
The ride to Harbord Digger's Club was UNBELIEVABLE! I kept myself close to the front and at one stage we sat at the lights and I looked back and there was a neverending sea of bikes. There must have been at least 500 of us. INCREDIBLE!
They made $25,000 for the Hospital. Brett, the other ZX6R, and I returned safely to Helensburgh together. The cruizers offered for us to join them, but I wanted to get home in good time. We even got to ride along with Mr Delizio via Spit Bridge and Mosman.
When I got home the child laughed hysterically and pointed at my face: red eyed, flat haired and dirt all over...did I look like that all afternoon?????!!! Did not really get to look in the mirror at all today. So much else to look at!!!!!
Still smiling!
Here are a couple of shots I found irresistable...
I misplaced your email address, so I uploaded all my photo's from the Ride4Sophie day to here.
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