A tragic accident has claimed the life of Maurizio's wife Gina during a weekend ride to Forster. I feel so sad for him, so numb and shocked that this happened to these good people I met a week ago. I remember how much they were all looking forward to this trip and it ended so tragically.It brought back Don's memory and made me realise that two years later that pain still sits there in the pit of my stomach. I wonder if it ever goes away?! I remember Jan, I remember Mark next door, Ella, I remember Buggles,
I remember how it took months to adequately function again. I remember the suicidal thoughts, the deep depression, the tears, the stares into nowhere, the pain, the pain, the pain...
I emerged...slowly, fragile, some time later. Much later. The man stood by me. He knew of grief.
Riding motorcycles is inherently more dangerous than driving a car. Many people shake their heads at us and will not even attempt to contemplate to get near a bike.
Riding a bike is about LIFE. Experiencing an edge, a rush; in some ways it makes us all appreciate life much, much more deeply when being close to death. When I ride I feel truly alive. I count my blessings when at the end of a day I ride safely into my garage.
At the same time we are all very much into harm minimisation. We wear leather gear, boots, gloves and helmets and we use our experience, common sense, all our senses, logic and instinct, always on high alert to avoid dangerous situations. It still does happen, like planes fall out of the sky, ships sink, trains collide, motorcyclists can have accidents. We are not invincible and whilst many of us can relate to the spirit of a warrior, most of us are just human and that makes us all vulnerable.
When it is our time, then that's it! It is a scary thought and quite harsh to come to terms with. I'd rather go while I do what I love, than ever so slowly fading away in some nursing home.
This is no consolation to Maurizio, his daughter and their close family. It does nothing to assist those that witnessed the horror of the accident scene.
It was not meant to be.
It is just me, me, me, selfish me, helping myself through remnants of sadness and loss.
Members of Katana Australia:
My sincere condolences, deepest sympathy and warmest thoughts are with you at this time of unspeakable sadness.
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