

Saturday, 23/06/2007
Originally I had planned to go to the hairdresser in the morning, but time got away and there were more important things to do... like locating my thermals. It seems like ages since I'd used them last and where would a logical person like me place them when they are not needed?

The trouble is that logic changes with time and circumstance and in the end you wind up rummaging through piles of stuff, only to find the items neatly hung up at the very far end of the wardrobe. Hmmm... I knew that!

The meeting place was half an hour away and I was back on schedule once I dropped the haircut idea. My first ride with the iPod in ear! It felt a little strange and at the end of the day I had to let it go, because the helmet is a tight fit and it actually started to get a little sore.... and it has to be just right, volume, songs... it put me off having to worry about it. I like to hear the roar of the bike's engine and I enjoy the music for the depth in the mix and musicianship. It all turned bit flat for me and I started to feel a little out of sorts. Like being in an elevator...

However, it was a beautiful day, sunshine after a long period of rough weather and when we got to the Robertson Pieshop we certainly enjoyed the coffees Skipp made us. Taking our place on pole table, where we indulged in the best view upon the comings and goings of a busy parking lot. I love listening to the stories and the banter and I love seeing such a huge variety of bikes and modifications... it's dream-on time.

Within half an hour of close inspection I had set in concrete a plan of action: new rotors, braided lines, numberplate cover and rego label tube... these are a few of my favourite things (sings Maria in 'The Sound of Music').

It's always nice to catch up with other riders you get to know from past rides, clubs and forums and today I met Jackster again. Jacky was showing off her latest bling: an awesome airbrush job on the tail section. She had a 6 am start... and yes, she was wearing her thermals too.

We waited around for quite a while for some riders to arrive, but it did not matter... it seemed almost like an 'open day' at the clubhouse...

Then there was movement. Joey and I took off and of cause the guys caught up quite soonish. Just after Robertson, a couple of km down the road on the left, there is a turn off. No big signage, but a great road past the lake. Dotted here and there a few brown cows and quaint little farms all drenched in soft sun light... Some wet patches on the road, especially in tree foilage covered corners, made things a little slippery. You need to have your wits about you and rely on all senses, which I just did not feel quite right about today. Perhaps it is because I had not been for a blast for some time, due to the weather and other commitments. Perhaps it was the iPod. I'll have to see how I am going next time.

Down via Hampton Bridge to The Friendly Inn for a refreshing drink, then off again. Cowskin Bodybag, another Kawasaki Rider...but with a 1200cc engine... and I decided to leave the pack for home, whilst the others took themselves off to Kiama for another stopover. Sunshine warming our hearts and tires

Unfortunately another group in front of us, coming up the hill from Kangaroo Valley, had a spill on a corner where some debris and rotting leaflitter had collected right in the middle of the road and we came upon those guys just as they were moving the bike to a safe area. There were a few of them and my first thought was that it was one of our riders. My heart sank and as I pulled over I realised that it was a different group. I recognised some of them from the earlier stop at the Pieshop, but thank goodness, no Illawarra Riders amongst them.

As we were riding along the Freeway, we came across a lone helmet sitting in the middle of the overtaking lane. What a freakish sight that was! We had a quick glance around, but there was no evidence of any impact or other debris, so we rode on. Sure enough, a km down the road there was a bike sitting in the breakdown lane, flashing his hazzard lights. We pulled over to see what was going on. He had lost his spare helmet including the rear seat... blown straight off the back. A car pulled over behind us and the driver got out to tell us that the helmet is no longer. A 4Wheel drive went straight over it and it got smashed, just as this good samaritan was going to pick it up. Pitty! That'll be about $600 worth of 'wind damage' for the rider... and he is lucky to not have copped a bill for possible damages on the vehicle that drove over it.

A nice cuppa at Woonona rounded this day off very nicely. Thanks to all involved. You've made my week.


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